Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oil Miser Hunting

Ingredients: Raspberries, apple, strawberry, orange, blackberry
Mr. Heat Miser decides to beat the crap out of his brother Mr. Oil Miser when he hears the news that the independent scientists trying to research the oil spill effects are being threatened, arrested, having their funding yanked and other such things intrinsic to our "democracy."

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that dish is just too cool looking!

    4th Amendment? What's that? This is one of the parts of this event that has ticked me off the most. And what shocks the crap out of me, is that every American isn't screaming about this whole thing. Its like they cannot be bothered or that they don't even know what the 4th Amendment is or how this will affect them.

    The right to not be subject to unreasonable search and seizure. Ironic isn't it? I mean people making a giant stink about this very issue in Arizona regarding illegal aliens and racism against Hispanic peoples, but you know if we do that to academics and scientists, in the Gulf who are trying to keep the Government honest--er um well, that's okay I guess. I mean WTF!? Seriously it just makes me want to drag my butt all over the ground like a wormy dog while I howl in utter indigination.

    It doesn't matter if its homeland Security, Coast Guard, Police officers or Fish and Wildlife--Back in the day, in the America I lived in, they would have to have a warrant, or probable cause or something like that in order for them to legally confiscate papers and personal information, to even stop a person, ESPECIALLY if they are on public lands.

    These aren't scientists who are sneaking onto military bases to film secret operations. They aren't bugging local politicians.

    These are scientists and Civilian volunteers to boot, being searched, having their cameras, their camera phones, their samples, their notes and research confiscated by our so-called government. For no other reason than, the Government is trying to hide their culpability in Murdering the Gulf by allowing BP to spray dispersant indiscriminantly.

    So any "excuses" that Homeland Security, or the Coast Guard gives about Exec Directive 63, Critical Infrastructure or National Security is utter and complete, unadulterated Bull Hockey.
