Sunday, September 5, 2010

Now Hiring Bozos

Ingredients: Pancake, Tangerine, Strawberries, Chocolate Chips
Today's Breakfast: If you need a job, B.P. is now hiring clowns to entertain the public, make speeches, get exposed to deadly toxins with no protective gear, and make tourism commercials. There is no immediate pay. You'll have to wait till they feel like paying you, if they pay you. And they won't pay you anything at all if the U.S. government doesn't let them keep drilling any which way they want. Yeah, they're going to take their money they owe you and go back to England if they don't get their way.

1 comment:

  1. Really--They will take their ball and go home? Promise? Sickening. Did you see the video clip where Republicans didn't allow the National Committeed to Investigate the BP Deepwater Horizon Spill subpoena powers?
